Sunday, August 12, 2007

LOL i think my blog is seriously dead!
quick recap of the events for past few days.
wednesday: aj race! my class won! whee:D HAHA good work peeps!
thursday: national day celebrations and fireworks! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! HAHA
friday+saturday: home with my sister. my parents are away. these two days are the longest and worst days of my week. sister was demanding man! HAHA
sunday: some auntie want me to elaborate about today. HAHA jus kidding. hmm. went out with cool cheena people for king and i musical. i think the show was alright la. it was the children viewers who spoil everything. damn you! haha. but the people i went out with were wonderful X10. HAHA how i wish i could go out with them everytime:D thanks for everything..haha. but now is the time to mug hard for promos. study hard people!
next week: study study study!...
i shall live it up with some pictures of my hamster..

have all the pictures are taken before he shit. HAHA. the one with the quiksilver pencil case in background is his shitting pose:P

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